
Animal trivia

Bats Actually the number two mammal

Secrets of bats No. 2 share of mammals When some people hear the word 'bat', they may think it is eerie or creepy. Howev...
Trivia about other living creatures

History of mythological and fantasy creatures from minotaurs to griffons

Fantasy literature, mythology and folklore from various cultures around the world contain many well-known creatures, inc...
Animal trivia

Mammoths Animals that surprisingly lived together until recently

Mammoths Jurassic? No. They are a contemporary animal Mammoths are not like Tyrannosaurus or Pteranodon. They are recent...
Fish trivia

Pirarucu World’s largest freshwater fish

World's largest freshwater fish Blanca's favourite Pirarucu, the world's largest freshwater fish. Also known as Arapaima...
Plant trivia

Bananas Purple bananas and seeded bananas are real. What makes them black?

Yellow berries First, bananas are botanically classified as berries. They are classified as such according to the inner ...
Animal trivia

What is a zoo anyway? Some of the world’s most famous zoos

History of zoos The concept of zoos dates back to ancient times. The history of the zoo can be briefly summarised as fol...
Animal trivia

Komodo Dragon Indonesia’s pride and joy, the land crocodile

Trivia about the Komodo dragon, the most powerful lizard Poison in its fangs, and death rolls The Komodo dragon is the l...
Animal trivia

Carl Linnaeus The originator of today’s taxonomies and scientific names

Homo sapiens and gorilla gorilla gorilla We humans are Homo sapiens. It means intelligent, human. Dogs are Canis lupus f...
Animal trivia

The original panda called the lesser panda

The lesser panda is not a panda, but a panda The lesser panda is not a panda. However, the red panda was a panda. You ma...
Animal trivia

Elephant trivia They are relatives of dugongs and manatees

More than one type of elephant? African and Asian elephants Elephants are known as two distinct species: the African ele...